Musical Poker

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Its Wednesday, Must Be Blog Time

Ok, this will be updated more than just once a week, just getting flooded with work and issues to deal with at home. Anyway, played a typical tourney for me last night. I was up, I was down, I was up again huge, and then went out in 4th. I tend to get too caught up in the allure of the having the big stack and constantly pushing. So you may be thinking that is what you are supposed to do, right? Well yes, however; you still need to know when to back off, and that is the area I need to work on.

Here is something I want to write about. In just about every damn poker book you read they mention that you need to practice working on putting you opponent on a hand, but they never give you any excercises in the books to help you with this. So, I will. Each day I will post a hand I played to showdown. I will post observations of a particular opponent, their stack and then list the betting for each round. The next day I will post what that person held. I feel this is the one area of poker that no one has done a good job of writing about, and it is one ofthe most important areas to master. Maybe I have found my blog niche? We shall see. Get ready for the first problem tomorrow.


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